We thought this was a bread board but it turns out to be a washboard used for hand washing.I might give it a try!
Its amazing the difference in the areas of bricks left un cleaned and oiled with the area on the right
Roman Villa - Manoppello
This Roman Villa was only excavated recently and is open to the public on Saturday and Sunday as to reach it you have to walk through the garden of the land owners. It is not a spectacular site compared to places like Villa Adriana in Tivoli but of great importance locally. The villa is built on a high plain close to the Abbey of Santa Maria Arabona which itself was built over the site of a Roman altar dedicated to the goddess Bona.
The goddess was worshiped in this area and the nearby valley is called Vallebona.
There are some very informative notice boards describing the villa site and its importance as well as the history of the local area. The pictures in the middle of the notice board are of a stone head found in the walls of a private house in Manoppello and now kept in the museum in Chieti. The stone head is believed to be of the same age of the Capestrano Warrior.