Tuesday, 24 March 2015

A Week in March

Over the last few years I've made a short trip out to Abruzzo to check on things after the winter .I've written before about the heavy snow in Abruzzo and how it has damaged so many roads and homes.

The road to our house rises along the edge of the ravine so I wasn't surprised to find more landslides close to the road. It was actually quite scary driving up and down !

Much to my disgust last year some local 'farmers' had dug up quite a few old olive trees across the road from us leaving what once was a lovely area of old trees and wild orchids just bare soil.

I was delighted this March to find signs of some of the lovely Orchids growing out of the bare clay and hopefully even the rarer ones will survive.
The dogs were really happy to see me again!
In order to prevent more slippage by these old trees I have piled up cut branches and soil from the floor of our hallway.I will have some more soil left here and later in the spring it will be planted up with some ground cover plants and in the autumn some trees that will all hopefully firm up the area.

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